Processing a Renewal Rx Request
PrescribeIT® transactions for renewing an existing prescription have an activity type of Renewal Rx Request and are visible in the PrescribeIT®To Do tab.
To fill a PrescribeIT® Renewal Rx Request:
- Highlight the Renewal Rx Request transaction in the PrescribeIT® To Do tab.
Select Process. The New Prescription Window opens.
There are two tabs: Scanned and PrescribeIT®.
- The PrescribeIT® tab is the default and displays a summary of the prescription sent from the prescriber. For more information, see PrescribeIT® New Prescription Window Overview.
- The Scanned tab displays any related documents attached to a PrescribeIT® prescription.
Complete the New Prescription information. Some fields will be populated based on the previous transaction processed and can be edited, review the content and enter a Qty Auth.
- Select the Process Now button. A Duplicate Checking prompt displays.
Select on the following:
Refill - fills the existing prescription. The new PrescribeIT® transaction is returned to the PrescribeIT® > To Do tab for processing at a future date.
Note: This option is not available if there are no more refills remaining on the existing prescription.
ReAuth - reauthorizes the existing prescription with the new PrescribeIT® transaction. This voids any refills remaining on the existing prescription and continues the audit trail. This continues to audit trail for the existing prescription.
Note: If the incoming PrescribeIT® transaction has a different strength than the prescription that is currently on file, you will not be able to reauthorize the existing prescription. For more information, see Processing a Renewal Rx Request below.
New Rx - creates a new prescription using the new PrescribeIT® transaction. This creates a new, separate audit trail on the patient's Profile and does not link the prescription to the existing prescription.
Cancel - neither the existing prescription or the incoming PrescribeIT® transaction are processed. The PrescribeIT® transaction is returned to the PrescribeIT® > To Do tab.

If you receive a PrescribeIT® transaction with a future Written Rx Date, you are not able to process the prescription and will receive the following prompt.
The future Written Rx Date needs to be modified to the current date to be processed.
To modify the Written Rx Date:
In the Rx Detail window, select the Extended tab.
In the Written Rx Date field, enter today's date.
Process the prescription as usual.